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It is in the heart of the Lakes region, in the former Frasnois cheese factory, that Marie-Ange Baumann has been making highly original pottery for over forty years. Passionate about working with the earth, this designer produces new turned or modeled pieces daily in her workshop. Fascinating mutation of the material... Under the expert fingers of the artist and from sketch to finish, a simple ball of earth is inexorably transformed into a decorative or everyday object - always unique.

Once cooked, the piece is decorated. In her workshop, Marie-Ange displays many of her creations in glazed earthenware: salad bowls, gratin dishes, bowls, cups, pitchers, lamps, trivets, honey pots or even jam funnels.

By enameling with cobalt blue or copper green oxide, Marie-Ange gives her pieces the changing tones of “Jura lakes and forests”. Whether painted or engraved, its decorations are also available, depending on the model, in shades varying from bright to pastel, for creations always denoting great mastery and beautiful modernity.

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